Source code for

User authentication module
import tornado.web
from tornado import gen
import json
import requests
import logging

FEEDBACK_INS = ("INSERT INTO feedback (client_id, job_id, db_id, sf_id, adduct, rating, comment, fdr_thr) "
                "VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s)")
RATING_UPD = ("UPDATE feedback SET rating = %s "
              "WHERE job_id=%s AND db_id=%s AND sf_id=%s AND adduct=%s AND fdr_thr=%s AND client_id=%s")
COMMENT_UPD = ("UPDATE feedback SET comment = %s "
               "WHERE job_id=%s AND db_id=%s AND sf_id=%s AND adduct=%s AND fdr_thr=%s AND client_id=%s")
FEEDBACK_SEL = ("SELECT rating, comment FROM feedback WHERE job_id=%s AND db_id=%s AND sf_id=%s AND adduct=%s "
                "AND fdr_thr=%s AND client_id=%s")

logger = logging.getLogger('sm-web-app')

[docs]def arg_dict(args): return {k: v[0] for k, v in args.items()}
[docs]def upsert_feedback(db, client_id, args): assert ('rating' in args or 'comment' in args) if db.query(FEEDBACK_SEL, args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['fdr_thr'], client_id): if 'rating' in args: db.query(RATING_UPD, args['rating'], args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['fdr_thr'], client_id) elif 'comment' in args: db.query(COMMENT_UPD, args['comment'], args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['fdr_thr'], client_id) else: if 'rating' in args: db.query(FEEDBACK_INS, client_id, args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['rating'], None, args['fdr_thr']) elif 'comment' in args: db.query(FEEDBACK_INS, client_id, args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], 0, args['comment'], args['fdr_thr'])
[docs]class FeedbackRating(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine
[docs] def post(self): args = arg_dict(self.request.body_arguments) client_id = self.get_secure_cookie('client_id') if client_id: upsert_feedback(self.application.db, client_id, args) logger.debug('Saved {} rating from {} client'.format(args['rating'], client_id)) else: logger.debug('Not authenticated user sent a rating')
[docs] def get(self): client_id = self.get_secure_cookie('client_id') if not client_id: self.write({}) logger.debug('Not authenticated get'.format()) return args = arg_dict(self.request.arguments) feed_rs = self.application.db.query(FEEDBACK_SEL, args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['fdr_thr'], client_id) if not feed_rs: self.write({}) logger.debug('Sent empty feedback rating'.format()) return self.write(dict(rating=feed_rs[0]['rating'])) logger.debug('Sent saved rating from {} user'.format(client_id))
[docs]class FeedbackComment(tornado.web.RequestHandler): @gen.coroutine
[docs] def post(self): args = arg_dict(self.request.body_arguments) client_id = self.get_secure_cookie('client_id') if client_id: upsert_feedback(self.application.db, client_id, args) logger.debug('Saved "{}" comment from {} client'.format(args['comment'], client_id)) else: logger.debug('Not authenticated user sent a comment')
[docs] def get(self): client_id = self.get_secure_cookie('client_id') if not client_id: self.write({}) logger.debug('Not authenticated get'.format()) return args = arg_dict(self.request.arguments) feed_rs = self.application.db.query(FEEDBACK_SEL, args['job_id'], args['db_id'], args['sf_id'], args['adduct'], args['fdr_thr'], client_id) if not feed_rs: self.write({}) logger.debug('Sent empty feedback comment'.format()) return self.write(dict(comment=feed_rs[0]['comment'])) logger.debug('Sent saved comment from {} user'.format(client_id))