Source code for sm.engine.formulas_segm

import pandas as pd
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger('sm-engine')

    'SELECT, adduct, centr_mzs, centr_ints '
    'FROM theor_peaks p '
    'JOIN sum_formula sf ON sf.sf = p.sf AND sf.db_id = %s '
    'WHERE adduct = ANY(%s) AND ROUND(sigma::numeric, 6) = %s AND pts_per_mz = %s '
    'AND charge = %s '
    'ORDER BY, adduct')

# FIXME: target_decoy_add table is getting too big
    'SELECT DISTINCT, decoy_add as adduct, centr_mzs, centr_ints '
    'FROM theor_peaks p '
    'JOIN sum_formula sf ON sf.sf = p.sf AND sf.db_id = %s '
    'JOIN target_decoy_add td on td.job_id = %s '
    'AND td.db_id = sf.db_id AND td.sf_id = AND td.decoy_add = p.adduct '
    'WHERE ROUND(sigma::numeric, 6) = %s AND pts_per_mz = %s AND charge = %s '
    'ORDER BY, adduct')

# TODO: add tests
[docs]class FormulasSegm(object): """ A class representing a molecule database to search through. Provides several data structured used in the engine to speedup computation Args ---------- job_id: int db_id: int ds_config : dict Dataset configuration db : engine.db.DB """ def __init__(self, job_id, db_id, ds_config, db): self.job_id = job_id self.db_id = db_id self.ppm = ds_config['image_generation']['ppm'] iso_gen_conf = ds_config['isotope_generation'] charge = '{}{}'.format(iso_gen_conf['charge']['polarity'], iso_gen_conf['charge']['n_charges']) target_sf_peaks_rs =, self.db_id, iso_gen_conf['adducts'], iso_gen_conf['isocalc_sigma'], iso_gen_conf['isocalc_pts_per_mz'], charge) assert target_sf_peaks_rs, 'No formulas matching the criteria were found in theor_peaks! (target)' decoy_sf_peaks_rs =, self.db_id, self.job_id, iso_gen_conf['isocalc_sigma'], iso_gen_conf['isocalc_pts_per_mz'], charge) assert decoy_sf_peaks_rs, 'No formulas matching the criteria were found in theor_peaks! (decoy)' sf_peak_rs = target_sf_peaks_rs + decoy_sf_peaks_rs self.sf_df = (pd.DataFrame(sf_peak_rs, columns=['sf_id', 'adduct', 'centr_mzs', 'centr_ints']) .sort_values(['sf_id', 'adduct'])) self.check_formula_uniqueness(self.sf_df)'Loaded %s sum formula, adduct combinations from the DB', self.sf_df.shape[0]) @staticmethod
[docs] def check_formula_uniqueness(sf_df): uniq_sf_adducts = pd.unique(sf_df[['sf_id', 'adduct']].values).shape[0] assert uniq_sf_adducts == sf_df.shape[0],\ 'Not unique formula-adduct combinations {} != {}'.format(uniq_sf_adducts, sf_df.shape[0])
[docs] def sf_peak_gen(sf_df): for sf_id, adduct, mzs, _ in sf_df.values: for pi, mz in enumerate(mzs): yield sf_id, adduct, pi, mz
[docs] def get_sf_peak_df(self): return pd.DataFrame(self.sf_peak_gen(self.sf_df), columns=['sf_id', 'adduct', 'peak_i', 'mz']).sort_values(by='mz')
[docs] def get_sf_adduct_sorted_df(self): return self.sf_df[['sf_id', 'adduct']].copy().set_index(['sf_id', 'adduct']).sort_index()
[docs] def get_sf_peak_ints(self): return dict(zip(zip(self.sf_df.sf_id, self.sf_df.adduct), self.sf_df.centr_ints))
[docs] def get_sf_adduct_peaksn(self): """ Returns ------- : list An array of triples (formula id, adduct, number of theoretical peaks) """ # return zip(self.sf_ids, self.adducts, map(len, self.sf_theor_peaks)) return zip(self.sf_df.sf_id, self.sf_df.adduct,